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Contacting owners

You can contact the owner immediately after they accept your rental request. To contact the owner, go to My Rentals and click on the corresponding rental. You can send a message to the owner or contact them directly via their phone number, which is listed on the page.

You should contact the owner immediately after they confirm the rental to arrange for the vehicle pickup and ask any questions you may have.

In case the owner is unavailable, please allow them sufficient time to respond. They may need time to respond to your messages.

If you have tried to contact them through the KARAM messaging system, we also recommend calling them and leaving a message so they can call you back as soon as possible.

Our teams work to ensure that our owners are available and their calendars are up-to-date. However, if the owner has not responded to your messages and your rental is about to start, we recommend canceling it and indicating that the owner is unable to provide the car. In this case, you will be fully refunded so you can rent a new car.

Please note that if you cancel the rental without giving the owner sufficient time to respond to your messages, they may have the right to request cancellation fees.

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